
87 Articles by: Nicole Aschoff

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Nicole Aschoff is on the editorial board at Jacobin. She is the author of The Smartphone Society: Technology, Power, and Resistance in the New Gilded Age and The New Prophets of Capital.

Bootstrap Populism

Rallying behind “free enterprise” mythology, American capitalists have long claimed to be gritty underdogs facing off against a rising statism.


The CEOs Want You to Know That They Care

With their new statement disavowing “shareholder value,” the CEOs of the country’s biggest corporations are trying to send a message: we feel your pain and we want to do better. They’re empty words, but it’s the latest sign that the masters of the universe are getting nervous about capitalism’s waning popular legitimacy.

We Don’t Need Zuckbucks

Facebook is joining a long tradition of companies minting their own currency to cement their monopoly over the infrastructure of social and economic life. Now is the time to stop tech titans like Mark Zuckerberg in their tracks — before they amass even more power.