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Global Inequality Has Skyrocketed Since the Pandemic

Over the past four years, capital owners reaped handsome profits at the expense of the working class and the Global South. The wealthy may have recovered from the pandemic — but the world’s poor are still suffering its economic effects.

Why Nietzsche Hated Socialism

Throughout his life, Friedrich Nietzsche maintained a profound contempt for socialism. According to him, its advocates — and all other defenders of egalitarianism — had a single aim: leveling differences and suppressing individual genius.

The UAW and the Bombers

A new UAW T-shirt rightly touts the working class as the “arsenal of democracy” — but it includes a B-24 bomber. Here’s labor historian Nelson Lichtenstein on what he thinks is wrong with the appeal.

The Canadian State Is Euthanizing Its Poor and Disabled

Canada boasts one of the world’s highest assisted-death rates, supposedly enabling the terminally ill to die with dignity. However, this suicide program increasingly resembles a dystopian replacement for care services, exchanging social welfare for euthanasia.