May Day News

To celebrate International Workers' Day, we have a new website and $10 subscriptions.

2013 May Day demonstration on Bangladesh.

The people who run the planet have 364 days in their honor (more on leap years!) — the people whose labor makes it run have only one. So happy International Workers’ Day.

It’s exciting to see so many in the United States, especially, demonstrating today. Remembering the tradition of working-class militancy is not about nostalgia, it’s about creating the type of social power that can beat back not just Trump, but the forces that gave birth to him.

We’ve come a long way from the heady expectations of the 1880s. The last decades, in particular, have seen defeat after defeat. But today we should remember the promise of better world beyond capitalism and commit ourselves to organizing to bring it about.

To celebrate May Day, we’re rolling out a beautiful new website. Not all the features are live yet, but it’s getting there. We’re also offering discounted subscriptions for new subscribers (starting at $9.95). Please consider buying a comrade (or ten) a gift subscription.

See you on the barricades.